Commercial buildings are the first choice of many investors. For example, investors love commercial property such as the office building above. The tenants are business entities and usually financially able to pay the rent on time. This, plus the building is typically only occupied during business hours, and consequently has less wear and tear than multi-residential.
Why Invest in Commercial Buildings?
It’s not for everyone though for one reason. Everyone needs a place to live, but not everyone needs an office. This may sound simplified, but history proves that these buildings can have many vacancies over longer stretches of time.
As an investor in commercial buildings, you will do well as long as you have good reserves for those down times. Of course, investing is always about the numbers and about reducing risks. One way to reduce risk it to be sure you have sufficient cash reserves.
Are You Ready for a New Investment?
Are you looking to trade up from houses or multi-family? We have experience in 1031 exchanges and invite you to contact us for a review and make recommendations for your situation.
We are also in the market to purchase commercial buildings and would be happy to make an offer on your property. Contact us for a no obligation review.
As always, we remind you that we love Realtors, but we are not Realtors. We invest as principals, for our own family account. Also, this is not a lead generation site. All responses go directly to our server and will never be shared with anyone.